7 proofs that a dog will make your life better

Dog Love

If you want to make a tailed friend for a long time, but still doubt - this is a sign: it's the time! Together with PEDIGREEⓇ, we found out how puppies affect adults and children.

We have collected even more information about dogs and their owners here.

1. Dog owners are less likely to have heart problems

Pets can literally save our lives. Swedish scientists conducted a large-scale study and found out How are things going with the health of 3.4 million people aged 40 to 80 years - among them were people who have dogs, and those who do not. It turned out that dog ownership is associated with a reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Breed matters too. According to the study, owners of hunting dogs, such as terriers and retrievers, were less likely to develop these problems.

The positive effect on health is especially pronounced in lonely people. Pets help them cope with stress and depression, motivate them to move more, and generally fill their lives with meaning. Even recovering from an illness can take less time when you know that a dog is waiting at home.

2. It is easier for dog owners to make acquaintances

When most of the time is spent on work and household chores, sometimes there is no strength left to maintain even old connections, let alone look for new friends. As a result, the social circle is gradually narrowing. If you dream of finding friends with the same interests, there is a proven life hack: just start dog.

Firstly, she in itself will become a great friend to you, and secondly, it will help to make acquaintances with other people. Dog owners will always have topics for conversation to pass the time while their pets frolic in the wild, and then friendship or at least friendship is not far away.

3. Dogs help us stay active

The World Health Organization recommends adults spend at least 150 minutes a week on moderate-intensity aerobics. If you divide this into seven days, it turns out that you need to allocate a little more than 21 minutes daily for exercise or active walking. It seems to be a little, but with a sedentary job, even such a minimum is difficult to master - more than a quarter of adults around the world experience a deficit in physical activity.

But dog owners are fine with this... At least twice a day, they go out with their pet. And here you will no longer refer to bad weather, important things, or laziness - the dog needs to walk, which means that the owner will also have to get off the couch. In the long term, such a habit will help avoid serious health problems. For example, regular physical activity helps maintain a healthy weight, it can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and depression.

4. Children who grow up in families with dogs are less likely to have allergies

A typical story: a child dreams of a dog, but his parents are against it, because animals have dirt, wool, and in general, you never know, suddenly an allergy will begin. In fact, the situation is exactly the opposite. Researchers from the University of Gothenburg found out that contact with pets can reduce the risk of allergies and asthma. Moreover, in order to get a dog, you do not have to wait for the child to grow up. Already in the first year of life, he can be introduced to the puppy.

They share a similar opinion and scientists from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. They believe that having pets reduces the likelihood of a child developing allergies by 33%. And children who grow up in families with dogs may have a lower risk of atopic dermatitis.

5. Dogs help children become calmer and more confident

If your child is worried about any little thing, the help of a furry friend may make it easier for him to cope with unpleasant experiences. For example, children who have a dog at home are less likely to more anxiety than those without pets.

Taking care of the dog also helps to increase self-esteem for the child, so it is worth sharing the responsibilities of caring for the pet with him. Of course, these tasks must be age-appropriate. For example, if the child is too young to walk the animal, he can feed him or change the water. This practice teaches you to be more sensitive to others, and playing with your pet promotes the production of serotonin and dopamine - in other words, children become happier.

6. Dogs can instill in children a love of reading.

Perhaps the most subtle bonus from a dog in the house. Nevertheless, scientists from the University of British Columbia found out that in the presence of a pet, children read more and more willingly.

Small study participants were asked to read aloud to them a rather complex text when the rooms were a dog handler and a dog or just a dog handler. When the child reached the end of the first page, he was asked if he wanted to continue. The results showed that children spent more time reading if the dog was in the room at the time.

7. Dogs are good for the emotional development of children.

When in doubt about getting a puppy, this seems to be the case where the benefits outweigh the potential disadvantages. Australian researchers discovered that the presence of a dog in the family has a beneficial effect on the child's relationship with others.

Children who have such a pet are 23% less prone to emotional problems and 40% less likely to face difficulties in contact with peers. They also have a 30% decrease in their propensity for antisocial behavior. To put it simply, the beloved promise of all parents, "If you behave yourself, we will buy a puppy" can work exactly the opposite. If your child has a loyal friend they are used to caring for, then there will probably be fewer behavioral problems.

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