What Happens to Muscles After Exercise?

Muscles After Exercise

The training process is stressful for the body. During the period of exercise, the athlete spends a lot of energy, and the muscles are destroyed during physical activity, after which a complex and costly recovery process begins. Let's talk about this in more detail!

How do muscles react to stress?

After the training is over, the athlete finds himself in difficult conditions, because all the body's resources were spent on physical activity. Immediately after the end of work and during the first forty minutes, the body experiences a strong lack of nutrients and at this time they must be replenished. Otherwise, he will have to start the catabolic process.

In general, the entire recovery process consists of the use of the necessary substances and rest, during which these substances are converted into tissues in those areas that have been destroyed. Therefore, if an athlete does not have time to get the right amount of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, our body is forced to take protein from less used muscles. And also, without adequate time for recovery and adequate sleep, it is impossible to progress.

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What happens a few hours after training?

Drops begin about eight hours after exercise. These are painful sensations in previously loaded muscles, which last about two to three days. Whether it is good to feel pain in the muscles or not - it is impossible to say for sure.

DOMS is an inflammatory process, pain due to numerous microtraumas (ruptures of muscle fibers), formed due to excessive stress during training. On the one hand, this suggests that the training is effective and in the future, it can be used for progress, and on the other hand, it indicates that the load should be reduced.

By the way, muscle soreness affects the rate of muscle recovery, since, in addition to progress, for which the body spends a lot of energy and resources, it will have to perform "repair" of abundantly damaged tissues. During the recovery period, the body increases appetite so that a person can consume as many nutrients as possible to build new cells. And also, thanks to this, the metabolism is also accelerated.

With the right diet aimed at losing weight, a person can effectively get rid of those extra pounds, and with a diet to gain weight, gain kilograms. From the moment of the end of the training, the athlete should consume as much protein as possible, and at the slightest demand of the body (feeling of hunger) - take food. As already mentioned, sleep after exercise should be full and last eight hours.

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