Cardio equipment

Cardio equipment

Cardio equipment is capable of providing a serious load for both high-level athletes and lovers of home strengthening workouts. The simulators simulate running on the street, riding a bike, or climbing stairs from the comfort of your own home, and most importantly, training is not subject to weather conditions.

Features and purpose of cardiovascular equipment

Cardio equipment is designed primarily to strengthen the whole body, especially the cardiac system. Such loads increase the heartbeat, forcing the blood to circulate faster throughout the body, respectively, improve the condition of the cardiovascular system. They also increase the absorption of oxygen, without which oxidative processes in the body, especially fat burning, cannot take place. It is weight loss that becomes the main reason for purchasing cardiovascular equipment for the home.

In addition to the general strengthening functions of cardio loads, simulators can completely replace running, walking uphill or climbing stairs, rowing, and cycling providing the necessary load for each person, regardless of age, weight, and physical fitness. The choice of a suitable simulator will depend on the health status of both the musculoskeletal system and the systems and organs.

In the selection of the correct load, special programs included in the device of simulator will help.

  • Heart rate sensors will monitor the load on the heart, so there will be no way to overload the cardiac system.
  • Different programs of cardiovascular equipment can set the required pace and complexity depending on gender, age, weight, providing an individual load without harm to the body.

You can also choose the right cardio equipment with some restrictions in training. For example, for people with heavyweight (obesity), problems with the spine or joints of the lower extremities, exercise on a treadmill is not recommended. But simulators that load the whole body in a sitting position are quite suitable, without unnecessary pressure on injuries and inflammations.

Any cardio equipment for home use can be suitable for losing weight. It is important to choose the preferred type of training, some like running, and some like walking. In either case, any simulator will strengthen the heart and blood vessels, tone all the muscles and burn extra pounds.

Types of cardiovascular equipment

There are several categories of cardiovascular equipment, some for a horizontal position and others for an upright position:


Cardio equipment for gym and home workouts. The spinning canvas imitates running at speed or walking uphill, literally standing in one place. Prices differ greatly from different manufacturers, it largely depends on the brand, quality, and lines (home or professional cardiovascular equipment for the gym).


Elliptical cardio equipment (orbit tracks)

Orbitracks - designed to perform a load on all muscle groups, simulating skiing. The load is distributed evenly, eliminating the impacts, injuring joints and the spine, which are present when running on the treadmill. There are also different lines of orbit tracks. Some manufacturers have provided a reverse rotation feature that increases the load on the back of the body during abnormal movement.

Elliptical cardio equipment

Spin bikes (speed bikes)

Speed bikes are similar to exercise bikes, some of these types are completely mechanical, on which the resistance is set manually, while others have different programs displayed on monitors, heart rate sensors on the handles.

Spin bikes (speed bikes)

Exercise bikes

Naturally imitate a bike ride. Such a load is preferred by many for home workouts. The differences between the machines are huge. The category also includes a type of simulator - a bicycle ergometer, reminiscent of a trip on a catamaran. It provides a more gentle load on the spine, in contrast to upright exercise bikes. 

Exercise bikes

Rowing Cardiovascular Equipment

A newer development in the fitness industry, especially beloved by the Crossfit trend. Simulate rowing, forcing all muscles to work, without exception. Such loads are aimed at developing the upper shoulder girdle, and for many, long-term rowing training is simply impossible. In addition, the simulator takes up more space, which makes it more preferable for the gym.

Rowing Cardiovascular Equipment


Exercise machines simulate stair climbing by forcing the muscles of the thighs and buttocks to work. Using different programs can add variety to your activities, such as the interval training feature. Also, switching the load and resistance makes it possible to fully load the cardio system, depending on individual needs. 


Which cardio equipment to choose for the home?

  1. Determine the type of machine based on your health, fitness, and sporting preferences. For example, spinal hernias are a contraindication to running, so you should pay attention to an orbit track or exercise bike.
  2. Note the ease of assembly, some elliptical trainers are flimsy in design, and hand assembly can alter the quality of the design and shorten the lifespan.
  3. The simulator should not be bulky and take up a lot of space. Typically home workout lines include this factor.
  4. The product must be with a guarantee if you do not want the simulator to soon become part of the interior for hanging things.

How to use cardiovascular equipment to lose weight?

  • Every modern simulator has programs for burning fat, you can see the pulse on the monitor, which is necessary precisely for losing weight. The interval training programs that are included in each simulator are also suitable.
  • Beforehand, it is necessary to enter your own weight, gender, age into the program, and set the training time. On the treadmill, you need to set the speed manually, changing the running speed from faster to slower.
  • Effective cardio should be at least 40 minutes long. The maximum class time is 60 minutes.
  • Check your pulse, calculate your own heart rate within 60-80% of the maximum heart rate (220-age).
  • Take food 1.5-2 hours before exercise. Don't eat too fatty, heavy foods before exercise. Take your next meal within 40 minutes of exercising, preferably a high-protein, low-fat meal.


Choosing the right cardio equipment for the long term will provide the user with effective workouts right at home, without wasting extra time on the road and money for buying a subscription.

It is important to understand that this will be the only type of home cardio workout for the next few years. Therefore, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons. But such loads can be alternated with strength exercises.

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