How to understand that they want to cheat me in employment?

How to understand that they want to cheat me in employment?

Here's what you should pay attention to.

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How to understand that the employer wants to cheat me in employment?

HAPU has detailed material on this topic. Here are some signs to help you recognize fraudulent employers and avoid falling victim to them.

  1. To start working, you need to invest money. For example, you need to buy overalls or pay for paperwork. Conscientious employers provide their employees with everything they need.
  2. Responsibilities in the job description do not coincide with those indicated in the interview. So unscrupulous employers not only lure people into less prestigious positions but also save on their earnings. After all, no one should pay for duties that are not recorded in the documents.
  3. Nobody in the company really explains what you will be doing. In the vacancy, only general formal requirements for the applicant are indicated, and at the interview, they cannot explain exactly what you will sell or who will lead. Thus, fraudsters can recruit people to work in illegal businesses: financial pyramids, casinos, or brothels.
  4. You are asked to be sure to fill out a detailed questionnaire. It, in addition to professional achievements and work experience, they are asked to indicate information about the next of kin: their level of income, contact information. This is done to collect information and sell it to spammers. Or to steal your funds, as well as bank fraud.

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