Rope climbing - what develops and how to do the exercise correctly?

Rope climbing

What do we know about rope climbing other than that it is a gymnastic exercise that was introduced into the school's physical education curriculum? The rope is actively used in artistic gymnastics. Surely many people know that rope climbing is a TRP standard, as well as for firefighters in the army and various special forces. But this exercise is also one of the first sports disciplines, and it appeared in ancient times. Let's take a closer look at this exercise, the technique of execution, and its application in sports such as CrossFit.

What develops rope climbing?

Rope climbing is somewhat similar to body movement in a block trainer, but the load in this exercise is double: static and dynamic. That is, the movement occurs due to the muscles of the back, namely the lats, rhomboid, and round, as well as the trapezius, biceps, and back of the deltoid muscles. The muscles of the forearms and abdomen are actively involved in the work.

If you lift with the legs, then the quadriceps and gluteal muscles are used to some extent, but the load on the legs is minimal since the legs are needed to support the body when moving the arms along the rope. The rope develops grip strength and strength endurance very well. The rope does not create an axial load, but, nevertheless, it creates an extension of the spine, as in hanging on a horizontal bar.

Due to the fact that the exercise allows you to load most of the large muscles of the torso in a short time, it is actively used in CrossFit. This discipline uses rope ascents without legs.

How to learn to climb a tightrope?

In order to quickly, correctly, and safely learn to climb a rope, you need to start with the simplest option, namely with the help of three techniques. Also, do not climb to the maximum height. It is best to choose a comfortable height and hone your movements to automatism, after which you can master a new height and a more difficult type of rope climbing.

In addition to the rope exercise itself, there are also additional ones that will help to develop strength and endurance in the shortest possible time, which will undoubtedly speed up the process of achieving the cherished goal. The most effective exercises are as follows:

  • Narrow Reverse Grip Pull-ups.
  • The pull of the upper block to the chest with a narrow and wide grip.
  • Twisting.
  • Hanging leg raises.

Another excellent exercise is rope-free climbing from a prone position. This embodiment does not imply a rise to a great height. It is performed without lifting the heels off the floor.

Rope climbing techniques

Rope climbing in three steps

The starting position of the athlete is a fixed position on the rope, in which the athlete holds the rope firmly with his hands and feet, namely with the toe of one leg and the heel of the other.

The movement should begin with pushing off the rope with your feet, pulling them to the belt, and grabbing the rope in the same way. The next step is to alternately move your arms higher to a comfortable distance. Then the movement is repeated.

Rope climbing in two steps

In this method of rope climbing, the starting position will be with the hands placed at different levels. With one hand, the rope should be held at the chin, and the other should be placed above the head. With your feet, you should hold the rope in the same way as in the first case. The movement begins with the legs: they need to be pulled up to the belt, and the arm, which is located above, should be pulled up to the chin. The second-hand moves up the rope during the pull-up. Limb movements are performed simultaneously.

There are two ways of climbing in two steps, therefore, as a variety, we will consider another option.

In this embodiment, the starting position will be identical to the previous one, except for the placement of the hands. They are located above the head: one immediately after the other. The movement begins with a push with the legs. Then you need to pull up with your hands and move your hands as high as possible again, and then repeat the movement.

Rope climbing without legs

The starting position is as follows: place your hands - one above the other on the rope. Legs should be slightly bent or slightly forward. The position of the legs should be fixed. The movement is performed by alternately moving the hands along the rope.

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How to integrate into your workout

There are several options for introducing the rope into the training process. If we are talking about CrossFit, then it should be performed as a separate exercise. It must be done in around. And if your physical fitness allows you to do the exercise in combination with others, then you can try the complex.

You need to perform the complex at an explosive pace with a minimum break for rest. For home workouts or outdoor workouts outside the fitness room, the exercise can be done at the very beginning before the main exercises for the development of back muscles. It is also worth considering as an element of a general strengthening workout, which includes all kinds of running, push-ups, pull-ups, and jumping out.

I would like to pay special attention to safety.

  • First, do not use gloves while working on the rope.
  • Second, remember that your legs wrap your feet (heel and toe) around the rope, not your inner thigh.
  • Do not exercise through joint or muscle pain or discomfort.

Crossfit complexes with exercise

The presented complex is not suitable for a beginner athlete. It is best for a beginner to use the rope as a standalone exercise.

Complex one

Five rounds are performed.

  1. Climbing the rope (3 lifts).
  2. Wave on a horizontal rope (1 minute).
  3. Plank (1 minute).

Complex second

Three rounds are performed.

  1. Deadlift (10 reps)
  2. Pull-ups (10 reps).
  3. Climbing a vertical rope (5 climbs).

Complex third

Three rounds are performed.

  1. Barbell Trasters (12 reps)
  2. Sit-ups (15 reps).
  3. Push-ups from the floor (20 reps).
  4. Climbing the rope (6 climbs).

Complex fourth

Perform four rounds.

  1. Push-ups on the rings (10 reps).
  2. Dips (20 reps)
  3. Push-ups from the floor (30 reps).
  4. Climbing the rope (6 climbs).


The vertical rope climbing exercise isn't just interesting for cross-fitters. It effectively develops torso, strength, endurance, and grip strength. No wonder this exercise is used by the army, special forces, and firefighters. If there is an opportunity to introduce an exercise into your workouts, then you should not neglect it. By the way, the exercise can be complicated if you use weights when lifting. Of course, this embodiment should be treated with the utmost care and the weight should be increased gradually. Always monitor your well-being and refuse exercise at the slightest discomfort.

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