Elbow stand - how to do the exercise correctly?

Elbow stand

Pillar on the elbows - a popular exercise of CrossFit, which is necessary to learn to everyone who wants to engage in this sport. The exercise not only develops the entire shoulder girdle and core muscles but also serves as a lead to some competitive movements, for example, handstand push-ups.

What does the elbow stand exercise give?

This movement came to CrossFit from gymnastics, along with other basic elements. In the original, it is also called a headstand, but in CrossFit, this movement has received a simpler and more understandable name (the headstand refers to harmful elements due to compression of the vertebrae, therefore it is not considered as an option for this sport). In yoga, this asana is called Pincha Mayurasana.

The peculiarity of the handstand is that this exercise combines dynamic and static loads. It does not have an aggressive effect on the shoulder joints, but it perfectly strengthens them for subsequent heavy loads. Without it, the transition to other gymnastic movements, in which the position of the body is upside down, can become not only difficult but also very traumatic.


There are no pronounced contraindications to learning how to do a stance. Among the cases when it is worth excluding or replacing the exercise, there are:

  • Any problems with the shoulder joint.
  • Pain in the shoulders or neck.
  • Osteochondrosis, protrusion, hernia (in any part of the spine).
  • High blood pressure.

What muscles work?

Despite the fact that the posture involves static tension, it puts a noticeable load on all the muscles of the upper body and torso.

When performing a rack, work:

  • All three bundles are deltoid.
  • Core muscles.
  • Rectus and transverse muscle.
  • Back muscles.

Also, as stabilizers to maintain balance, the work includes:

  • Hip biceps.
  • Quadriceps.
  • Buttock.
  • Calf.

Execution technique

The handstand technique is quite simple, but it is extremely important for athletes to learn how to perform each stage as correctly as possible. In some cases, mastering the exercise gradually and step by step will be very helpful, especially for beginners. Step-by-step execution implies a gradual transition to each phase of the movement.


  1. To begin with, you need to stand in a position with an emphasis on lying on the floor (emphasis on the elbows, knees, and toes). The elbows should touch the floor at neck level.
  2. Put your head on the floor between your hands, try not to bend your neck too much, this can be traumatic.
  3. Lift your knees off the floor, straighten your legs and lift your pelvis up. Legs and body should be bent at right angles (inverted V).
  4. Straighten your torso so that it is perpendicular to the floor (your back is straight). Pull your legs closer to you and rest on your toes.
  5. With your knees bent slightly, push off the floor with your toes while bending your knee for grouping.
  6. Straighten your legs and fix the position.

At the stage of mastering and strengthening the muscles, it is always best to move against the wall. This will help dampen momentum and avoid falling backward when kicked off the floor with your feet.

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Implementation recommendations

  • If the main task is to correctly do the stance, then it is recommended to master the movement separately. That is, on the days of "technology development" or any other time.
  • If the stand is an intermediate link for mastering push-ups upside down, then it is logical to do it together with another "eyeliner".

In general, this is a fairly simple movement that does not put a lot of stress on the muscle fibers. Therefore, you can even train daily, depending on how long you want to fully master the exercise.

What Crossfit complexes are included?

In CrossFit, a static stance is almost never used in complexes when it comes to WODs. This is a "developmental" exercise that is necessary to improve specific movements. In this case - push-ups upside down. Although given how many muscles are involved in the stance, it will be useful for other exercises as well, from weightlifting movements to pulling out with strength on the rings / horizontal bar. 


In general, the elbow stand is a fairly simple exercise. It is useful not only in CrossFit or other sports but also for increasing flexibility, strengthening almost all muscles in the body, with an emphasis on the most vulnerable area - the shoulders. With the right approach, any person can do the exercise, but with weak muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, it is important to approach the development of the movement in stages so as not to increase the risk of injury.

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