Why do horror and comedy films usually have low ratings?

Why do horror and comedy films usually have low ratings?

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Why do horror movies usually have such low IMDb ratings? And it happens just as often with comedies. Even though the films are not necessarily bad.

You have very wisely identified these two genres. At first glance, they may seem like complete opposites, but in fact, they are built very similarly. Horror and comedy appeal to our simplest feelings and reactions. In the first case - to fear, and in the second - to laughter. That is why both genres can be called more subjective than, for example, drama or fantasy.

Most people similarly perceive dramatic pictures: if there is a deep catchy story, they will seem touching. But when it comes to horror, perception changes. Some are afraid of cruelty and blood - they are most afraid of slashers like "Halloween" and "Friday the 13th". Others flinch endlessly at the screamers. They are more attracted to films like The Conjuring. And the third is more important than suspense and whipping up the atmosphere. And in this case, "The Witch" will be the standard of the genre.

Due to such different perceptions, it turns out that a horror film that should scare the viewer will seem scary in only one of the categories. The rest will take it with irony and give it a low mark.

Also, do not forget that ratings on many aggregator sites are also critics. Or viewers simply take into account the opinions of respected experts and adjust their expectations based on them. And many critics perceive horror films as a "low" genre that does not deserve too much attention. Which, of course, is not very fair.

Fortunately, in recent years the situation has begun to improve: new original authors have appeared who add sociality, artistry, or art house to their films. Examples include the works of Ari Astaire (Reincarnation, Solstice ), Jordan Peel (Get Out, We), and Robert Eggers (The Witch, The Lighthouse ). Many of them appeal to both viewers and critics. And gradually the attitude to such horrors is corrected.

With comedies, in principle, everything is the same. Some of the viewers will be amused by complex jokes with double overtones or Edgar Wright's visual comedies parodying clichés of different genres. For others, amusing falls and a cake is thrown in the face are enough. Still, others consider the film " Doctor Strangelove, or How I Learned Not to Worry and Love the Atomic Bomb" to be the funniest in history, but there are many who do not find any humor in this tape at all.

Therefore, high marks are more often received not by "purebred" comedies, but by films in which humor is mixed with drama or an exciting story. Like Wes Anderson's The Grand Budapest Hotel. At the same time, even one of the most popular comedies of the last decade, "Real Ghouls" by Taika Waititi on IMDb, does not have a rating of eight.

The main thing to understand is that low ratings are not an indicator that all films in these genres are bad. It just so happens that the chances of disliking some part of the audience in a comedy or horror movie are much higher. Therefore, you need to perceive their ratings adjusted for the genre, and it is better to read reviews or find the opinion of a critic whom you trust.

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